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Long ago in your great-great grandparents' or maybe even your great-great grandparents' time, living was difficult 'round the world.  Even farthings were hard-earned and meant to be carefully spent.   No place was this more true than in Ireland. . .


Thus does Matthew's Tale: The Fairies' Gift begin.

"Don’t mess with the fairies! The charm of this book lives in the adventure, the setting, and the language. So true, it seems, to the Ireland of my grandmother and the Ireland I’ve been privileged to visit from time to time, green and misty and magical."  Rebecca Rule, storyteller, humorist, and author of The Iciest, Diciest, Scariest Sled Ride Ever


In this magical tale, Benedict and Mugan lead us into Yeats country with the danger of fairies pouring from a broken bough, moving on a "moon-filled oiche."  Terry Farish, author of The Good Braider and Joseph's Big Ride




Praise for

Matthew's Tale:  The Fairies' Gift

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