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Suggestions for Reading and Discussing

A Home for Hazel with Children

  • Before reading look at the cover and discuss what you think the story might be about and explain your reasoning.

  • While reading  predict what might happen next and explain why you think as you do.

  • After reading ask, "What do you think?" or "What did you notice?"

  • After reading predict what might happen next for Hazel and support your thinking.

  • Find examples of foreshadowing in the illustrations.

  • Infer meaning of words like timid, drey, soar, crooning, forage, etc.

  • Identify the facts the text and illustrations convey about squirrels.

  • Ask: Could the events in this story really happen; explain why you think as you do?

  • Ask:  If this story were trying to teach you something, what might it be?

  • Ask:  Did Hazel change during this story?  If you think yes, what made her change?  If you think no, why do you think

    she didn't change?

  • Ask: Can you retell the story in your own words?

". . .and then Hazel said,  I'm afraid. . ."

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